Weiland died on Thursday night (December 3) at the age of 48. Weiland, on tour with his group Scott Weiland and the Wildabouts, was found dead on his tour bus in Minnesota. Video footage of former STONE TEMPLE PILOTS and VELVET REVOLVER singer Scott Weiland 's last-ever performance, which took place this past Tuesday, December 1 at Toronto, Ontario, Canada's Adelaide Hall, can be seen below. Scott Weiland, the singer of Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver who spent much of his life battling substance abuse, is dead at 48. Hidden comments will still appear to the user and to the user's Facebook friends. Watch Video Of SCOTT WEILAND's Final Live Performance. Reserves the right to "hide" comments that may be considered offensive, illegal or inappropriate and to "ban" users that violate the site's Terms Of Service. You can also send an e-mail to with pertinent details. To do so, click the downward arrow on the top-right corner of the Facebook comment (the arrow is invisible until you roll over it) and select the appropriate action.

To report spam or any abusive, obscene, defamatory, racist, homophobic or threatening comments, or anything that may violate any applicable laws, use the "Report to Facebook" and "Mark as spam" links that appear next to the comments themselves.

User comments or postings do not reflect the viewpoint ofĭoes not endorse, or guarantee the accuracy of, any user comment. Once you're logged in, you will be able to comment. Story or review, you must be logged in to an active personal account on Facebook. The quartet reunited in 2008 for a successful world tour following a six-year hiatus. The band's last effort before that, "Shangri-La-Dee-Da", came out in 2001. STP released its sixth album earlier this year after a nine-year break from the studio. When Stone Temple Pilots released Perdida, their second album with singer Jeff Gutt, earlier this year they had plans to tour.Unfortunately, the 15-date trek was canceled due to Gutt needing surgery on a herniated disc, and once the pandemic hit the band was unable to reschedule dates. The singer collaborated on the project with David Ritz, the "Sexual Healing" lyricist who has co-written autobiographies for the likes of Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles and more recently Don Rickles. Weiland's autobiography, "Not Dead & Not For Sale", was released in May 2011 via the Simon & Schuster imprint Scribner. Weiland met Wachtel last year while filming music videos for his Christmas album, "The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year". she's the greatest thing that's happened to me in a long, long time." We're getting married in the spring, and our families will be living together. And she loves my kids and I love her son. "She is incredibly beautiful in every aspect of the word. According to, former VELVET REVOLVER and current STONE TEMPLE PILOTS singer Scott Weiland is engaged to his girlfriend of one year, photographer Jamie Wachtel.